It’s Your Move: Floral Game Pieces

March 26–June 9, 2019
J. Wayne Stark Galleries | Memorial Student Center, MSC 1110

Created by the students of Horticulture 451 and the Student Floral Club
Instructor and Advisor – Bill McKinley AIFD

This interactive display of popular board games allows viewers to become participants on oversized game boards. The floral game pieces are intended to be moved and used as they would on a normal sized game board.

Students were divided into teams to create each of the oversized game pieces. Game pieces were built on solid bases of Styrofoam with the floral components attached directly to the Styrofoam. Color choices for the game pieces were standardized for consistency, but each game piece has its own creative concept developed by the student designer. Handles were added to the game pieces for ease of moving on the oversized game boards.

The game boards were painted onto canvas drop clothes using latex house paint.

Students were able to refine their floral design skills by heavily utilizing the elements of design texture, form, space, and pattern, as well as the principles of design rhythm, unity, and contrast.